Saturday, August 30, 2008


So as I watched the DNC in Denver, I have to admit that the Biden won me over. Now I'm fully behind this ticket. This is the only thing that makes fucking sense. Also, the convention looked amazing and party unity people, let's get a real leader in the White House.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



By Futurecop!

Fun times and flash backs for yours truly.
Yeah, bad idea.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things i don't approve of

THIS bullshit is a hell to the no. Another doomed Democratic ticket. I am reminded of an episode of The Simpsons. Kang and Kodos mock our 2 party system. YOU'RE THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY!

I'm gonna vote for myself as a write in now. Or the original cast of Fame. Or my parent's dog Buddy. BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR CANINE MASTERS!


Your crazy Cubanos!

"We didn't expect anything like what you have witnessed to occur," said WTF secretary general Yang Jin-suk. "I am at a loss for words."

Damn Chinese even have a What The Fuck secretary. That's why they will win. Seriously.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I know, cliché but i find him entertaining. At least it isn't all over my face.


So Truck Show. Always interesting. For a client, natch.
It's always interesting to see people in the wild as it were and there's always a convention for everything. If there can be a cosplay/anime/general scary then there certainly can be one for trucks trucks trucks trucks trucks trucks. AND NOW… a truck.


yeah cats on keyboards.
watch out.

Things not to do.

At least it didn't look like this. It will all be fixed by the money gun.

Thursday, August 21, 2008



still one of my classic favorites.